LIMITED TIME OFFER—through January 2, 2025. The Al-Anon Family Groups Workbook Bundle (K-74) includes: Blueprint for Progress: Al-Anon's Fourth Step Inventory (Revised) (P-91) Reaching for Personal Freedom: Living the Legacies (P-92) Paths To Recovery Workbook: A Companion for Studying Al-Anon's Steps, Traditions, and Concepts (P-93) Price: $25.00 Purchase at the AAIS Bookstore!

Al-Anon Acronyms

Several years ago my sister-in-law sent a text to her children when their grandfather passed away.  It said, “Grandpa just died.  LOL, Mom.”   Coming from the SWAK generation (Sealed with a Kiss), I knew she meant “Lots of Love”.  To the children’s horror, they thought she meant “Laughing out Loud”.  You can imagine how that played out.  In Al-Anon, we use many acronyms, especially in service and it can be daunting to the most seasoned member, let alone the newcomer.    When I was new to service I was too embarrassed to ask anyone what these acronyms meant so I collected my own little list, which I’m going to share here.  I will add to it as I uncover new ones.  I hope they help.

AAPP     Area Alateen Process Person

AFG       Al-Anon Family Group

AIS         Al-Anon Information Service

AISL       Al-Anon Information Service Liaison

AMIAS  Al-Anon Member Involved in Alateen Service

AWSC    Area Word Service Committee

BOT        Board of Trustees

CAL        Conference Approved Literature

CMA      Current Mailing Address

COB       Chairman of the Board

CPC        Cooperating with the Professional Community

DR          District Representative

GR          Group Representative

GSO       General Service Office

HP          Higher Power

IAGSM  International Al-Anon General Services Meeting

ISR          Information Service Representative

KBDM   Knowledge Based Decision Making

LDC        Literature Distribution Center

PI            Public Information

PO          Public Outreach

PSA        Public Service Announcement

RT           Regional Trustee

SAC        Service Action Committee

TAL         Trustee at Large

WSC       World Service Conference

WSO      Word Service Office


Chris C., Utah Area Website (

May reprint with attribution

Help is here for the asking. Please take a moment to ask yourself these questions: “Are You Troubled By Someone’s Drinking?” or “Did You Grow Up With A Problem Drinker?” If you identify with some of these statements, it is important to know that help and hope for friends and families of alcoholics is just a phone call away.

Give us a call for more information

Our office hours are Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday from 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm Mountain Time. Leave a call back number if you call after hours.